Fine fescues have a high shoot density and are tolerant to low mowing. They maintain good colour and a fine appearance year-round. Fine fescues can used in a range of areas such as golf greens, tees and fairways. This species is also suitable for landscaping.
Achibal slender creeping red fescue (festuca trichophylla) is a versatile grass, thriving as a short-mown lawn or a longer sward. It exhibits high disease resistance, especially in trials against red thread, ensuring a healthy, consistent visual appearance.
Governors creeping red fescue is a medium-textured, midgreen fine fescue, bred from New Zealand genetic material. It has the outstanding ability to retain a green colour and grow actively over winter when other fine fescues become dormant and exhibit brown dead material. Governors is ideally used in situations such as golf course roughs, where the mowing height is above 50 mm.
Lygia chewings fescue (festuca rubra) presents a vibrant bright green colour, strong winter activity and improved levels of disease resistance; in particular, Red thread.
Maxima 1 strong creeping red fescue (festuca rubra rubra) is a top-performing red fescue variety, known for its medium green color, excellent disease resistance, and high stress tolerance.
Requires less water and chemicals to achieve optimum turfgrass performance. This drought tolerant and disease resistant variety is good for you and for our environment. Recommended for use in park settings, golf course roughs and fairways, home lawns and landscape areas.
Predator hard fescue forms an excellent quality dark, dense and fine turf that is difficult to tell from chewings fescue. It is a slow growing species that is tolerant of low fertility and drought in suitable soils. Drought tolerance and persistence is best on heavy soils and moist loams but is poor on sands without irrigation.
Quatro sheep fescue (festuca ovina) is an extremely fine bladed bunchgrass that produces an exceptionally dense, deep, dark turf. It provides durable, attractive turf under a range of mowing heights, soil conditions and growing environments.
Siskin red fescue - chewings fescue (festuca commutate) is a leading cultivar for lawn and fairway, with exceptional density and good colour.
Siskin also ranks very highly in research and development for salt tolerance making this an ideal cultivar for lawns and golf fairways.
This cultivar exhibits a high level of drought tolerance, resulting in lower water usage. It is shade tolerant and performs well in full sun. A minimal amount of fertiliser is required to keep a healthy turf. Recommended for use in home lawns, parks, reclamation sites and golf courses.