PGG Wrightson Turf offer a range of other seed blend options, including certfied seed blends for golf courses and amenity turf situations.
DuraTurf® Droughtmaster is the ideal mix for any area with limited water supply and low fertility, but still provides a premium turf performance. DuraTurf Droughtmaster is a blend consisting of tall fescue, ryegrass and fine fescue. DuraTurf Droughtmaster can be used in areas such as golf course roughs, horticulture inter-row, landscaping environments or any situation where drought conditions prevail.
DuraTurf® Estate seed blend produces the ultimate in turfgrass quality. DuraTurf Estate is a dark green, dense, clean cutting turfgrass suited to landscape and ornamental lawn environments. DuraTurf Estate seed blend incorporates two elite turf type tall fescue cultivars.
DuraTurf® Parklands is ideal for those areas where cool and warm season grasses both exist in the turf environment.
DuraTurf Parklands contains a blend of perennial ryegrass and seeded couch. DuraTurf Parklands will produce a quality turf cover in areas where there is limited water supply but turf cover is required to ensure safe playing surfaces.
Kerbside contains a blend of fast establishing hardy cultivars ideal for sowing into nature strips and sites under development. Often these sites have limited-to-no water supply and are devoid of nutrients. Kerbside will ensure turf grass quality is produced for an economical price.
Repair is a blend of fast establishing cultivars to ensure ground cover is established under the most trying of conditions. Repair is suitable for areas such as council roadside repairs or any area where fast establishing perennial ryegrass is required to reinstate ground cover into an existing turf grass sward.