PGG Wrightson Turf cultivars undergo rigorous testing procedures. With breeding, evaluation and screening sites located throughout Australasia, we are able to source the most suitable genetic material to include in our cultivar range.
Turf type perennial ryegrasses are hard wearing and quick to germinate. This species can be used in both proffesional sports turf and in fine turf settings such as landscaping. Suitable for overseeding as it can establish rapidly in a range of soils.
Colosseum is a medium-fine, mid-green, perennial ryegrass that is a cross between Mediterranean and American genetics. The Mediterranean genetics gives the turf active winter growth in cooler weather and rapid germination, especially in cold temperatures down to 5°C.
Centenario turf prennial ryegrass is a medium-fine, medium green, perennial ryegrass, ideally suited to sports grounds, golf tees, golf fairways and lawns receiving heavy wear, especially in the winter. Its attractive glossy mid-green colour coupled with active year round growth makes it visually appealing.
Key Features:
Soprano is an attractive, very dark green, perennial ryegrass with outstanding density and fineness making it a great choice for lawns, golf courses and sports fields. Soprano has good resistance to summer diseases allowing it to maintain high quality in humid conditions over summer.
Spartacus is a medium dark green turf perennial ryegrass with good density and fineness and an outstanding lively green colour retention with absence of browning. Excellent yearround colour and scores well in trials for both density and fineness.
Fiesta Cinco perennial ryegrass demonstrates the highest turf quality overall at all locations of the 2016 NTEP Perennial Ryegrass trials. Fiesta Cinco has a very dark green colour with superior winter colour retention. This variety also has superior resistance to Crown Rust and Pink Snow Mould and very high resistance to Gray Leaf Spot and Red Thread.
Centurion is a mid-dark green, fine leaved turf perennial ryegrass with good year-round growth that forms an attractive turf at cutting heights down to 12 mm. The aesthetic qualities of Centurion make it ideal for any situations requiring a close-cut, high-density turf surface.
Browntop and bentgrasses are highly suitable for golf greens, tee boxes and elite amenity areas due to their shoot density and tolerance to low mowing. These species show true fineness of leaf even when mown below 5 mm.
Arrowtown is an elite browntop, being significantly finer and denser than Egmont, Manor and Sefton browntop. Arrowtown recovers rapidly from renovation and is an excellent choice for golf greens. Arrowtown has good year-round quality and is best suited to closer mown, high maintenance situations such as greens, tees and fairways.
Egmont is a dark green colour, fine leaved browntop suitable for high quality, closely mown golf greens. It can also be used on golf fairways and tees, as well as longer cut surrounds and roughs. It is also a perfect choice to create a low maintenance quality lawn. Egmont has performed exceptionally well for all these purposes for over 35 years and continues to be an industry standard throughout the world.
The fineness and density of Manor browntop produces putting greens of outstanding quality. It displays a light green colour which aids the masking of Poa annua present in a sward. Manor browntop can be used for greens, tees, fairways and roughs and is also a good choice for low or high maintenance lawns where superior quality is desired.
Sefton is exceptionally fine and dense with a light green colour. It is especially suitable for golf greens where its fineness and density can be exhibited. Its light green colour helps to mask Poa annua and other grass weed invasion. Sefton can be used in all parts of a golf course - greens, tees, fairways and roughs. It makes a high quality lawn under either high or low maintenance.
Pure Distinction is the latest advanced bentgrass from Pure-Seed Testing. It has a rich heritage that includes legendary Penncross and the groundbreaking Penn A’s and G’s. Uniquely bright green coloured, Pure Distinction takes the attributes of these bents – dense, upright, and aggressive growth, less thatch and easy maintenance – to the next level.
A very fine-leaved browntop, highly suitable for close mown surfaces such as golf greens, tees and elite amenity areas. Medium-green colour with excellent year-round visual quality.
Macdonald creeping bentgrass is a high quality turfgrass for greens and was developed for high resistance to many diseases including Dollar Spot, Anthracnose, Brown Patch and Pink Snow mould.
Fine fescues have a high shoot density and are tolerant to low mowing. They maintain good colour and a fine appearance year-round. Fine fescues can used in a range of areas such as golf greens, tees and fairways. This species is also suitable for landscaping.
Lygia chewings fescue (festuca rubra) presents a vibrant bright green colour, strong winter activity and improved levels of disease resistance; in particular, Red thread.
Requires less water and chemicals to achieve optimum turfgrass performance. This drought tolerant and disease resistant variety is good for you and for our environment. Recommended for use in park settings, golf course roughs and fairways, home lawns and landscape areas.
This cultivar exhibits a high level of drought tolerance, resulting in lower water usage. It is shade tolerant and performs well in full sun. A minimal amount of fertiliser is required to keep a healthy turf. Recommended for use in home lawns, parks, reclamation sites and golf courses.
Minimus hard fescue offers several options on the golf course and in general, natural low maintenance turf areas with A-LIST quality.
Governors creeping red fescue is a medium-textured, midgreen fine fescue, bred from New Zealand genetic material. It has the outstanding ability to retain a green colour and grow actively over winter when other fine fescues become dormant and exhibit brown dead material. Governors is ideally used in situations such as golf course roughs, where the mowing height is above 50 mm.
Turf tall fescues have very good tolerance of hot or cold weather extremes. This species has a high quality, dark and fine turf appearance, and retains its green colour deeper into the summer due to a strong deep root system.
Currawong II produces a low growing dense sward and can be used in any situation where a premium turf-type tall fescue is required. These situations include sports fields, parks, home lawns, sod farms and golf course roughs.
Lagertha was bred from advanced American material developed over many years by Rutgers University. In New Zealand a selection was undertaken for turf performance, disease resistance and adaption by turf breeder Louise Carpenter.
Kentucky Bluegrass is a cool season lawn grass which spreads via rhizomes to form a dense sod and grows best during cool, moist weather on well-drained, fertile soils with a pH between 6 and 7.
Kentucky Bluegrass is a cool season lawn grass which spreads via rhizomes to form a dense sod and grows best during cool, moist weather on well-drained, fertile soils with a pH between 6 and 7.
Warm season grasses are low maintenance, highly heat tolerant and have low water requirements. Different species may tolerate shade better than others, while some warm season species may require constant sunlight in order to prosper. Warm season grasses will go dormant in winter.
Regal StayGreen® is a turf type kikuyu that has a darker green colour and finer leaf texture than vegetative kikuyu. Regal StayGreen® is more cold tolerant than other warm season grasses and retains its green colour better. It also withstands heat and drought well and is not susceptible to many of the common turf pests or diseases.
TransContinental seeded bermudagrass can be used in a wide variety of situations from sportsfields, parks, schools, home, commercial turf, roadsides and erosion control.