Hydromulching is an advanced hydraulic grass planting technique that is renowned for its efficient application and many beneficial uses. It is a fast, economical, and efficient process that surpasses the efficiency of conventional seeding.

It is primarily employed to prevent erosion and support revegetation. Hydromulching can be synonymised with hydroseeding yet boasts some distinctions that can significantly change the outcome of the process. The multifaceted nature of hydromulching renders it versatile, with many diverse applications for a variety of solutions.

The process of hydromulching begins with the formation of the mixture. Hydromulch is a mixture of crop seeds, fertiliser, mulch, a tackifier, and water, which is then mixed in a hydromulching machine. Notably, a biodegradable and environmentally friendly dye is incorporated into the mixture to ensure the visibility of the applied product, posing no harm to humans, wildlife, or the ecosystem. The mulch components within this product can be cellulose fibres, wood fibres, or advanced fibre matrices, each providing unique outcomes.

The mixture is then sprayed from a specialised tank at a specified rate per hectare over a designated land area. These land areas are primarily areas of disturbed land affected by natural hazards such as bushfires or other disturbances such as mining or construction.

Hydromulching can also be used domestically, such as in new homes and other landscaped areas, such as sports turfs or newly constructed highways. These projects would benefit from a hydromulch product such as Profile HPM Wood, which provides outstanding results with greater yield compared to alternative mulch types.

The numerous advantages associated with hydromulching confirm its efficacy as a preferred option. The hydromulch provides effective moisture retention within the soil, encouraging growth and germination at a higher rate than generic seeding processes.

The hindered growth of grass materials is commonly caused by an insufficient level of moisture; therefore, once the grass seeds have been provided rainfall or irrigated water, the mulch helps to retain this within the soil. Furthermore, in ideal warm and moist conditions, there can be quality grass coverage within three weeks of hydromulching, emphasising its efficient nature. 

As the solution is pumped from a tank, it can exhibit an impressive range of distances, surpassing alternative methods in efficiency. It is water repellent as it holds the seeds to the soil using a tackifier, preventing seeds from being washed away from rainfall, an advantageous benefit for areas affected by erosion or heavy rainfall. 

Flexterra HP-FGM is an effective erosion control medium that has proven to perform outstandingly within the erosion control sector. Hydromulching is also wind resistant, enhancing seed adherence to the soil, a crucial attribute in areas of high winds or erosion.

The tackifier used within hydromulch is a non-toxic bio-polymer that forms an adhesive to increase stability and hold the seed in place to ensure optimal moisture absorption for germination. 

The vast selection of hydromulching components can yield diverse end results. Straw and Thermally Refined® wood fibre Hydraulic mulch are both used for soil erosion control but can have substantial differences in the end result due to their effectiveness.

Additionally, the amount of hydromulch needed for different uses and locations depends on a variety of factors such as land area, temperature, soil moisture level, etc. 

Deciding on an erosion control product in the necessitates substantial knowledge to ensure optimal suitability for the designated area. Many variables such as location, access, soil properties, and topography, are needed to be assessed when appraising possible options.

Confident decision making in regard to hydromulching ensures the selection of the most appropriate product tailored to the unique requirements of the environment in question. 

Domestic Hydromulching Options

Hydromulching is a viable and effective option for addressing domestic grass requirements as well. In pursuit of achieving effective, full coverage and cost-effective grass results, hydromulching stands out as a beneficial technique.

The method of hydromulching achieves not only improved stability and adhesion of seeds in the soil, but also helps to retain and foster optimal moisture retention and encourages rapid germination.

When focusing on household lawns, hydromulching can be a superior option as it is efficient, cost effective, and there can be significant growth in up to 3 weeks.

This technique, in a domestic setting, provides a sophisticated approach to grass establishment and has many factors making it a discerning choice for those seeking a solution to their domestic needs


Other Landscaped hydromulching options

The demand for grass coverage is frequently needed across many construction sites such as reclamation of mine sites, areas encompassing pipelines, or in the vicinity power lines. This can be done by either hydroseeding or hydromulching depending on the budgetary constraints and the size of the area. For expansive areas, hydroseeding could be adequate and more viable due to the cost.

Hydroseeding can be beneficial on these areas economically, as well as if the conditions are not too hot and dry as they are generally not irrigated. However, making the decision between hydroseeding and hydromulching requires careful consideration, of not just the budgetary parameters, but the climatic conditions encompassing the target area.

With irrigation not being feasible it is important to consider the effectiveness that is desired from the project. Hydromulching could prove to be worth the additional cost due to its water retention qualities and protection from external threats to germination. 

Hydromulching is a versatile and advantageous solution for a range of needs. Its applications span across households, roadsides, eroded landscapes, mines and over pipelines, etc. It is undoubtedly efficient and can provide quality results when applied and executed correctly. When supplied with adequate irrigation and favourable conditions, hydromulching can provide a desirable end result in three to four weeks.

Hydromulching is additionally a more cost effective and affordable option than solid sodding, whilst ensuring comparable quality outcomes. In areas where moisture is low or weather is undesirable for most grass types, hydromulching can be the prime option. Hydromulching has the benefits of retaining moisture within the soil to encourage germination, whilst simultaneously repelling the natural hazards to germination such as wind and heavy rainfall.

A paramount advantage of hydromulching is its efficiency to cover expansive areas within a brief timeframe, setting it apart from conventional seeding methods. For areas hard to reach due to variables such as danger or large slopes, hydromulching can be favourable as it can spray up to 100 metres or up to 400 metres with the hose attachment. This is particularly valuable in challenging terrains or hazardous locations.

Whilst various alternative erosion control methods and products are available on the market, such as erosion control blankets, these products often exhibit many limitations related to soil properties and safety when working in heavily eroded areas.

In contrast, hydromulching offers a safe and effective application, either using a tank or aerial deployment methods, solidifying it being the safest and most effective option.

Hydromulching can have many benefits to a wide spectrum of land areas. It is extremely versatile and has many different options to suit the need of the consumer.

In the revegetation aspect, hydromulch is superior. With the mulch fibres holding up to 17 times their weight in water it means it encourages rapid germination and lowering water needs substantially compared to generic seeding methods.

Additionally, with hard to reach or sloped land areas hydromulch is a preferable choice due to its elimination of accessibility challenges. As it can be applied either from a tank up to 100 metres, or aerially, it can be beneficial for almost all areas with accessibility challenges.

Hydromulching is also a well-tested and proven method to provide high quality results and more than 99% effectiveness. It has many benefits to the land and is 100% biodegradable unlike other erosion control techniques. It is also non-toxic and will not affect surrounding wildlife.

Hydromulching has a variety of advantages that put it above other methods of seeding. Firstly, not only does it help to control erosion, but it also effectively encourages growth on hard-to-reach areas, can control dust, and has a safe and easy application.

Compared to other common erosion control methods, hydromulching has the highest effectiveness percentage, providing upwards of 99% effectiveness. It also ensures direct contact of seed to soil, meaning rate of germination will be relatively elevated compared to straw methods. It is also weed free and can be completed in only one application.

Applying hydraulically also ensures wet bond strength due to the hydraulic matrix. It provides immediate erosion control and growth establishment properties. Undoubtedly hydromulching emerges as an equivocally superior choice, offering an abundance of immediate benefits within a singular application.