Highlighting the capabilities and frequently asked questions (FAQs) around hydromulching and how DuraVegTM can products and services and can assist with your project's needs.
Hydromulching is a viable and effective option for addressing domestic grass requirements as well. In pursuit of achieving effective, full coverage and cost-effective grass results, hydromulching stands out as a beneficial technique.
The method of hydromulching achieves not only improved stability and adhesion of seeds in the soil, but also helps to retain and foster optimal moisture retention and encourages rapid germination.
When focusing on household lawns, hydromulching can be a superior option as it is efficient, cost effective, and there can be significant growth in up to 3 weeks.
This technique, in a domestic setting, provides a sophisticated approach to grass establishment and has many factors making it a discerning choice for those seeking a solution to their domestic needs.
The demand for grass coverage is frequently needed across many construction sites such as reclamation of mine sites, areas encompassing pipelines, or in the vicinity power lines.
This can be done by either hydroseeding or hydromulching depending on the budgetary constraints and the size of the area. For expansive areas, hydroseeding could be adequate and more viable due to the cost.
Hydroseeding can be beneficial on these areas economically, as well as if the conditions are not too hot and dry as they are generally not irrigated.
However, making the decision between hydroseeding and hydromulching requires careful consideration, of not just the budgetary parameters, but the climatic conditions encompassing the target area.
With irrigation not being feasible it is important to consider the effectiveness that is desired from the project. Hydromulching could prove to be worth the additional cost due to its water retention qualities and protection from external threats to germination.
How much hydromulch is required is largely dependent on how thick the coverage would need to be which depends on the soil, and the land area size.
It can also depend on the season as to mulch is needed due to too much mulch reducing the quickness of germination.
For example, hotter areas require more mulch to help retain as much moisture as possible during the dry seasons.
Land areas require between 20 and 40 kg per 100m2 approximately.
There are a few products hydromulch products available that cater for a range of outcomes.
Deciding on which is the best option for you requires knowledge or can be done by a hydromulch expert. Soil testing is also required to ensure the most suitable hydromulch product is used.
Firstly, DuraVeg Fibre Matrix is a wood fibre hydraulic mulch consisting of a Fibre Matrix made up of 100% Thermally Refined® virgin wood fibres and tackifier.
It is free from plastics and has been laboratory tested to ensure it meets requirements, which it exceeds. Due to its unique wood fibres, it generates greater yield, interlock, loft and coverage, compared to competitive materials such as straw, sugar cane, paper and competitive wood mulches.
Profile HP Wood Fibre Mulch is 100% recycled wood chips that have been steam heated within high temperature and high-pressure vessels to create highly absorbent fibres.
These consequently prove to have relatively better coverage, protection, establishment, and productivity than competitive wood mulch products.
Flexterra HP-FGM is a product providing the highest germination and growth establishment and has a greater than 99% erosion control effectiveness immediately after applying.
This product is also 100% biodegradable and non-toxic meaning it will not affect even the most sensitive aquatic wildlife. It is also said to provide near-perfect erosion control and denser vegetation.
ProGanics™ Biotic Soil Media™ is designed as an alternative to topsoil on challenging and difficult‑to‑access sites.
ProGanics will accelerate development of depleted soils/substrates with low organic matter, low nutrient levels and limited biological activity.
This Engineered Soil Media™ (ESM™) helps build soils to their fullest potential for vegetative establishment and more effective erosion control.
ProGanics DUAL is a hydraulically applied Biotic Erosion Control Matrix (BECM) that combines the soil-building properties of ProGanics® Biotic Soil Media™ (BSM™) with the erosion control performance of a Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM).
Accelerates development of depleted soils and vegetative establishment while simultaneously providing highly effective erosion protection in a consolidated, one-step application.
The cost of hydromulching is down to the desired outcome, the soil properties, the location, and the size of the area.
When assessing options of hydromulching it is critical to have an abundance of knowledge surrounding the area and talking to a professional on what solution is best suited to your situation.
In preparation preceding hydromulching it is important to undertake comprehensive testing of the soil. This practice will help to identify the critical soil characteristics including nutrient levels and microbial activity. The insights derived from this analysis helps to ensure an optimal hydromulch solution can be used to ensure effective and superior results.
Hydroseeding and hydromulching are often used in tandem, however, there are a few key characteristics that differentiate the two processes.
Ultimately, almost all construction sites require grassing, so knowing the options is imperative to finding the best option for the area. Depending on what the desired outcome is, as well as how reliable the result needs to be, is what decides whether hydroseeding or hydromulching will be the selection.
Hydroseeding was originally a way of distributing seeds with water, which then helped to develop an improved system of hydromulching to ensure seeds stay in place and have adequate moisture levels.
Firstly, hydroseeding contains little to no mulch so will provide significant differences in the outcome of the area. This is usually done due to restraints in the budget but is not recommended as can provide undesirable and unguaranteed results.