Flexterra HP-FGM (High Performance Flexible Growth Medium) is an advanced Fibre Matrix. It is a wood-based mulch that is engineered to be crimped and have biodegradable interlocking fibres with adhesive properties to increase bond strength.
It is the next generation in flexible growth media and surpasses the original’s performance. Additionally, when using Flexterra there is no fine grading or extensive soil preparation needed so it can be applied for immediate protection at reduced overall costs.
There are many reasons to choose Flexterra for erosion control. Firstly, it has greater than 99% erosion control effectiveness that is effective immediately upon application.
It is also 100% biodegradable meaning it is environmentally friendly and will not negatively effect waterways. Flexterra HP-FGM has extra sensitive safety towards aquatic life and the environment due to its non-toxic quality.
It is proven to have near-perfect erosion control and denser vegetation while protecting the natural environment.
Flexterra helps to promote accelerated germination with minimal soil loss due to its chemical and mechanical bonding techniques.
It has micro-pore particles to ensure optimal water and nutrient retention, as well as 100% non-toxic biopolymers to enhance erosion control resistance and growth establishment.
As it is formed using Thermally Refined® wood fibres it has the highest yield and coverage per unit weight, and optimally, it is phyto-sanitised, meaning it eliminates weed seeds and pathogens.
Profile HPM Wood is a mulch that contains Thermally Refined® wood fibres which have greater yield, interlock, loft, and coverage, compared to shorter atmospherically refined fibres.
Tackifiers are chemical compounds, primarily a blend of polymers and polysaccharides, which form a binding attribute to keep the seeds and fibre in place during germination.