DuraVeg offer environmentally focused cultivars such as New Zealand native Stewart's Slender Poa (Poa imbecilla) and Ecotain® Environmental Plantain. Stewart's Slender Poa offers potential for revegetation in a wide range of New Zealand conditions while Ecotain® has demonstrated characteristics which provide important ecosystem services to stormwater and erosion prone settings.
Narrow-leaf plantain, (Plantago lanceolata) has demonstrated characteristics which provide important ecosystem services to stormwater and erosion prone settings. Ecotain® is a formally-bred herb available for inclusion in blends being engineered for such settings.
Stewart's Slender Poa (Poa imbecilla) is a minor native grass of New Zealand and the only one available as seed in commercial quantities for sowing. All other grasses used in New Zealand are introduced from other countries and naturalised. As a result, the vast majority of NZ grassland areas are now covered in introduced grasses such as browntop, chewings fescue, ryegrass and others, while native grasses are in decline. The availability of Slender Poa offers the chance to reduce this decline.