Amendments needed to improve the physical properties of soil such as pH levels, water infiltration, drainage, aeration and overall soil structure.
21% Ca, 12% Mg
AmendMAX Dolomite Mini is a highly concentrated, water-dispersive dolomite amendment suitable for use on fine cut turf such as golf and bowling greens, either at renovation or throughout the year in a maintenance program. Excellent for delivering vital calcium and magnesium to the soil profile, for a healthy plant and robust soil structure.
24% Ca, 16% S
AmendMAX Gypsum Mini is a highly concentrated, water-dispersive gypsum amendment suitable for use on fine cut turf such as golf and bowling greens, either at renovation or throughout the year in a maintenance program. Excellent for displacing sodium and correcting calcium deficiencies in soils.
38% Ca
AmendMAX Lime Mini is a highly concentrated, water-dispersive lime amendment suitable for use on fine cut turf such as golf and bowling greens, either at renovation or throughout the year in a maintenance program. Excellent for use as a sodium displacement agent and increasing pH of acidic soils.
Dispersable granule Humic Acid
90% Calcium chloride solution